I really need to know…am I the only mom who doesn’t like playing with her kid 24/7?? Let me rephrase that. It’s not that I don’t like being around my son, hanging out with him, interacting with him, enjoying his company. I do! I love him to death! But there’s just something about his incessant need to have me play with him that, well, bores me. Maybe it’s just that I’m tired of the toys that he has. Or maybe it’s that when he ORDERS me to sit down and play with him one of two things happens: 1.) He sits there and plays and when I try to do something he insists that he do it so I end up sitting there doing absolutely nothing, or 2.) he sits there and watches me and does nothing while *I* play. And my mind inevitably wanders to all of the productive things that I could be doing instead, like writing a grocery list or blow drying my hair or vacuuming or washing last night’s dinner dishes. So then I feel guilty because I KNOW!! I should JUST ENJOY THIS TIME WITH HIM! THEY DON’T STAY YOUNG FOREVER! ONE DAY HE’LL WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU AND YOU’LL WISH HE ASKED YOU TO PLAY WITH HIM. But guh, seriously after like 5 minutes of playing I have ants in my pants and have to find something else to do. And then Ryan gets mad and whiny and clingy and starts following me around the house and hitting the dog and whipping his blanket around because I’m not playing with him. It’s not that I’m not paying attention to him- we talk, and we sing songs, and we make up little games while I’m doing stuff…but it’s that I’m not playing with him that is apparently upsetting.

So I’m wondering…is a parent obligated to play with their child all day long? Am I a terrible parent and person because I get bored with playing after five minutes? Am I ignoring or neglecting my son if I tell him it’s time for me to do some work around the house instead of play with him? Do YOU spend a lot of time playing with your kid(s)?? Or are they super at playing independently? How do you find the balance between getting done what you need to and spending quality time with the children? And what about you working parents? When you get home from work do you spend the rest of the evening focusing solely on playtime with your kid, or do you insist that they entertain themselves while you get something done?

How does one find a good balance between playtime and work, and keep everyone happy???

AND, accepting all ideas for any new and different activities for us to do together in the house during these dreary, long winter days…